Thursday, October 4, 2007


Math Tech IV, 8-9:30, Mrs. Mandy Wimpey
CP Pre-Cal, 9:35-11:05, Mrs. Terri Cortez

We started off with a review for their test on Friday which was then pushed back to Monday. Typically I think it's a good idea to push a test back, but only a day. If you do it more than one day, well, the kids may think that they're going to be able to get away with it a lot, and they'll start acting as if they don't know so that they can keep pushing the date back. Other than that, it was a relatively simple class: a review, a review of the review, and then a few extra minutes at the end of class.

The next class, Mrs. Cortez, had the students do problems out of the book at the end of class. Unfortunately, one of the problems from the book gave inadequate information, and while we tried wracking our brains for about 20 minutes to figure out the problem without using future information that hadn't been covered, but we couldn't. In this case, I liked what Mrs. Cortez did. Instead of introducing a new concept and overwhelming the students, she said that she'd save the problem for later when she had gone over what was needed to actually do the problem.

Other than that... really, nothing insightful. Just a typical day at school.

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