Monday, November 12, 2007

Back in the Saddle

Friday was my first day with Miss O'Shields at West Oak. Due to a Veteran's Day assembly, classes were shortened, so I only stayed until 9:30 (the assembly was at 9:45). In that time, she introduced me to her Algebra IA (Pre-Alg), Geometry H, and Algebra I CP classes. They all seemed polite and gave me a nice wave, and I returned it.

Because classes were shortened, Miss O'Shields was forced to give very, very brief lectures and crunch time down for quizzes. While she was attempting to fit 45 minutes into 30 minutes (and actually only 20 minutes for the last class I was there), I graded papers. I made it clear that anything she felt I could do to help me learn, I wanted to do it, so she started me off slow with just papers. I can tell this is definitely a better place than Palmetto. Despite the presence of a metal detector as you walk through the front doors, I actually feel more comfortable here. There's just a nice vibe about the place... and something about a towering bald man with a sense of humor about my Clemson education who is also the principal of the school is pretty awesome. Miss O'Shields is pretty great as well, and I can tell I'm definitely going to benefit from being in this place.

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