Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bookwork Mania

Class: Pre-Algebra, Geometry H, Algebra I CP

So, Miss O'Shields does a lot of bookwork in the class. A whole lot. Granted, in light of recent events at West Oak, I can't blame her. If you hadn't heard, three students lost their lives in a car crash, and the school has been a little shaken ever since. If I were her, I probably wouldn't want to introduce anything strange or foreign to the kids either.

However, bookwork was still being done as late as Friday, and that concerned me a little. Her classes seem to be behind where she wants to be, and so it's like she's always trying to play catch up. Do I think she does a good job of it? Absolutely I do. She's very lenient with the kids when it comes to getting their work done, but it's to the point that the children don't take advantage of the opportunity. They sincerely want to get their work done for her.

I'm not sure how the ties into things we've discussed in class, but I'm sure it does somewhere. There's a certain level of respect that the teacher has for the students and the students have for the teacher. Both are willing to joke and play, but both understand that consequences of falling too far behind or not getting work done. She allows ample opportunities for students to raise their grades and better themselves, and I haven't seen one not put that to use. It's not like she's giving nothing but extra credit and the students are slacking off because they can rely on her to do that. If she sees a need for improvement in a student, she attacks it. She takes hold of it and builds it up. It's very subtle, but it's very cool to watch.

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